Hope an Anchor for the Soul Workshop

Find Relief and Hope Spiritual and Somatic Session

RELIEF is possible.
   So is HOPE.  

Relief is found and felt in the relaxation state of your parasympathetic nervous system 🤓

 I will guide you to SHIFT  the State of your nervous system into the RELAXATION STATE WHERE YOU CAN FEEL – even if it’s just a GLIMMER of RELIEF from your  feelings of

😞Depression ….  

And I will help you sense ✨HOPE.✨  

Hope as a physical sensation in your body and……. as an anchor for your soul.  

Everyone needs hope.

Yet, I wonder – at times does hope feel distant, unattainable or even impossible.    

I’ve prepared for you …. For your nervous system both a somatic ( body-based) practice and a spiritual practice , to calm and soothe your whole Being into parasympathetic state of therapeutic relaxation … where RELIEF is found and felt.  

And by feeling some relief, perhaps you might also feel some hope?  

This is what I invite you to experience at my
Special Topic Monthly Workshop and Session-  “ Hope ~ An Anchor for the Soul” 


Karen Penfold

Karen has personal experience with post-trauma stress, loss, and grief. Karen also has personal experiences with Healing and Hope. Through this journey, she discovered her passion to help others heal from trauma. She is a 10-year, two-time breast cancer and trauma survivor. Karen was introduced to yoga while recovering from breast cancer surgeries and treatments as well as a broken pelvis from a car accident. She credits much of her healing – in body, mind, and spirit – to the somatic, mindful, and spiritual practice of Christ-centered yoga.

Course Pricing

Hope an Anchor for the Soul

$19 USD

  • 90 Minute Workshop and Somatic Sessions

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